Friday, February 14, 2014

Potty training

We started this long journey to using the potty back in February and we have slowly been chipping away at using the potty.  We started because mom was tired of wrestling Keagan into a diaper and changing 2 kids all day long does not allow for much else.  So we started with a week of sitting on the potty.  Both of us were exhausted by the end of the week.  Keagan did not mind sitting on the potty as it meant he got i-pad time! Or we read lots of stories.  So many he started showing Logan his books in the bathroom.  But it was obvious by the end of the week that Keagan would use the potty if we were sitting on it but he did not seem to know when he had to go pee pee.  

Feb 2013
June 2013
So we took a break and would try when the time presented itself but we did not worry about it too much.  Now that the weather is turning nicer we are trying to go for longer stretches without a diaper.   As evidenced by these photos Keagan is learning how to use the "potty" from the dog.  Oh dear.  At least we know that he is learning not to go potty in his diaper anymore!

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