Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Getting ready

So we are getting ready to put the house on the market while we go up to Minnesota to visit the family up at the lake and then do some house shopping in the Minneapolis area.  Being by myself and trying to get the house ready to be shown is proving to be a monumental task.  With the days being so hot, I have found myself packing up extra stuff once the boys go to sleep.  Let's just say coffee has become my best friend.  

With no storage room in our house with a fully finished basement, one of the rooms has become a junk room and it needs to be cleared out before the house goes on the market. There are so many empty boxes that we have that just take up space. We were brainstorming ideas one day and decided that putting all the extra stuff in the horse trailer would be a good idea.  It is fully enclosed and water proof as far as we know.  Keagan thought this was a great idea and was such a good helper with the boxes.  
Downstairs living room.  Do 2 little boys live in this clean room?!?
This is the junk room that was completely full of boxes at one point
Although climbing to Delicate Arch was a physically demanding task in the hot weather earlier this summer, the view was amazing once we got there.  I think this task of selling a house when there are 2 little boys  proved even harder. We are hoping it will sell fast!

Front playroom 
Living room with view of barn

Keagan's room
Logan's room

Master bedroom

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