Sunday, February 16, 2014

On to Colorado National Monument and Arches...

Once the conference was completely over we headed over to Utah to see Arches National Park as we had never visited this site before.  On the way we stopped by the Colorado National Monument which was a very  beautiful site to see as well.  The boys slept while we did the auto tour of the Monument so unfortunately this made for a grumpy Logan for the last 90 minutes of the ride into Utah.  It is surprising how much Logan gets to his limit of being in the car and then makes it miserable for the rest of us!
Mom at CO National Monument
When we arrived it was starting to cool down and so we hiked up to watch the Delicate Arch at sunset.  It was a beautiful to watch the sunset in the desert like area and a site to remember.  

The next day we tried to get up early but somehow managed to take forever getting out of the hotel room.  It was already 90 and was to reach 104 while we hiked up to the Delicate Arch by 9 in the morning. It did take about 3 hours and was extremely hot but we all managed with lots of water.  Mom with Logan in the backpack.  Keagan riding on dad's shoulders.  It was crazy and let me tell you it would be a strenuous hike without a kid on your back!  One of those things I think we will always remember:)

Luckily the big hike took a lot out of the boys and so they mostly slept on the way home.  When they finally did wake up 4 hours later we stopped by the nearest exit and we found the neatest park.  We played for an hour, ate dinner and the boys were pooped out again.  We finally figured out how to travel with Logan.  Just exhaust him when he is up and then he will sleep.  Unfortunately this exhausts mom and dad too and makes for really looooong days!
We made it to the we look a little tired?!?

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