Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Best Friends

Again, I am amazed at how much my boys like each other.  I was so concerned when I was pregnant that Keagan would feel cheated by having a sibling as it would mean sharing his mommy and whole family.  But I was wrong.  Keagan just loves having a brother and a built in playmate.  

Now that Logan is sitting up the rivalry is starting as Logan can reach and take toys within his reach, but at least at the moment we can have 2 separate stations for the boys to play and everything works out.  Keagan has suddenly had a renewed interest in baby toys that he abandoned months ago as brother wants to play with them so they must still be fun! We just try to put quite a few toys in front of Logan so when Keagan comes over and steals one, Logan can just play with a different one.  Right now this works but we will see how long that lasts!

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