Sunday, February 16, 2014

Family Trip June 2013

 We had the opportunity to go to Pallisades, CO the first weekend in June for a veterinary conference.  What a great time we had as a family.  We figured we should try and go some place fun for Logan since we took Keagan to Yellowstone when he was only 5 weeks old.  Pallisades is near Grand Junction and the Colorado Monument as well as Arches National Park in Moab, UT.  So off we went to the conference.
We took our time leaving on Friday and the boys were ready for a nap as we headed into the mountains.  Our first stop was to see the bachelor herd of Mountain Sheep near Georgetown.  I have been looking for these guys for years so I felt especially happy to finally see them in the wild.  Maybe they heard we were moving to MN :)

Our first stop was at Glenwood Springs to stop by the hot springs.  It was time to get out of the car and both boys love the water. And boy did they get spoiled.  The pool was 93 and like bath water....let's just forget the water smelled like rotten eggs!  This was Logan's first time in a pool and he loved it.  Both boys spent plenty of time splashing the water and having a bunch of fun.

The conference was at the Wine Country Inn and it's a beautiful setting.  Dad would take the boys to the parks while mom attended her sessions during the day.  Everyone had a great time with beautiful weather to enjoy.

Once the conference was over we made the obligatory stops at many of the local wineries in Pallisades.  It was amazing how many of them had play areas for the kids.  Who would have thought you could bring your kids along on a wine tasting tour?  The meadery was Keagan's favorite with all the bees.  They had coloring sheets and lots of fun decorations.  That honey wine was pretty potent and delicious!

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