Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What a Beautiful Day

A rainbow over our barn 

One day after coming home from Parker, we saw the most amazing rainbow over our property.  It is was the brightest,  lowest rainbow I have ever seen.  

But wait.  Look closely.  Click on the picture below to make it bigger and you will see that there is another rainbow right under the bright rainbow.  

Now wait for it.  A 3rd rainbow appeared faintly above the first rainbow.  Keagan still remembers this rainbow even today and talks about it frequently.

Getting ready

So we are getting ready to put the house on the market while we go up to Minnesota to visit the family up at the lake and then do some house shopping in the Minneapolis area.  Being by myself and trying to get the house ready to be shown is proving to be a monumental task.  With the days being so hot, I have found myself packing up extra stuff once the boys go to sleep.  Let's just say coffee has become my best friend.  

With no storage room in our house with a fully finished basement, one of the rooms has become a junk room and it needs to be cleared out before the house goes on the market. There are so many empty boxes that we have that just take up space. We were brainstorming ideas one day and decided that putting all the extra stuff in the horse trailer would be a good idea.  It is fully enclosed and water proof as far as we know.  Keagan thought this was a great idea and was such a good helper with the boxes.  
Downstairs living room.  Do 2 little boys live in this clean room?!?
This is the junk room that was completely full of boxes at one point
Although climbing to Delicate Arch was a physically demanding task in the hot weather earlier this summer, the view was amazing once we got there.  I think this task of selling a house when there are 2 little boys  proved even harder. We are hoping it will sell fast!

Front playroom 
Living room with view of barn

Keagan's room
Logan's room

Master bedroom

Chillin in the Summer Heat.

We like to relax with friends in the summer heat.  Keagan and Max seem to have so much fun together.  Of course going to someone else's house is always fun and who ever it is has amazing toys. Keagan and Max enjoy pushing each other around on their cars.  Logan loves Penny's play mat.  It is fun to pass the hot summer days with friends.

I am going to get you

4th of July Parade

This was Logan's first 4th of July parade so of course it makes me reminisce about Keagan's first as well.  I can't believe both of my boys are here in the parade.  I am so lucky to have 2 little boys.  It is very nice to be able to reuse the same clothes thanks to a chunky Logan.  He caught up quickly to fit into Keagan's clothes so it did not make a difference they were born in opposite seasons.

We had a great time again going around in John's wagon pulled by the big blue tractor.  Of course Hannah had to come too and we all think she would have preferred to stay inside where it was not so hot, but why not make this a family event?

After the parade came Keagan's favorite part.  The ice cream.  He made a good mess of himself this year.  We are glad to announce some of the ice cream made it into his mouth but the rest made for a cute picture.

The train museum...again!

The Colorado Train Museum in Golden is quickly becoming one of our favorite destinations for some summer fun.  John stepped up as honorary grandpa to the boys and took them to the Wild West Days at the museum with me.  It was a great day filled with many people in costumes, a steam engine train ride and even a front row seat to a train robbing and shoot out.  What a fun day!

Look, a train John! Imagine that

Logi with his engineer cap on :)

Best Friends

Again, I am amazed at how much my boys like each other.  I was so concerned when I was pregnant that Keagan would feel cheated by having a sibling as it would mean sharing his mommy and whole family.  But I was wrong.  Keagan just loves having a brother and a built in playmate.  

Now that Logan is sitting up the rivalry is starting as Logan can reach and take toys within his reach, but at least at the moment we can have 2 separate stations for the boys to play and everything works out.  Keagan has suddenly had a renewed interest in baby toys that he abandoned months ago as brother wants to play with them so they must still be fun! We just try to put quite a few toys in front of Logan so when Keagan comes over and steals one, Logan can just play with a different one.  Right now this works but we will see how long that lasts!

6 months old

What a difference 6 months makes in the life of a little one.  Logan now is sitting up well and reaching for things.  He has started eating solid foods.  He is such a little talker too.  Although it is just babbling, he seems to love the sound of his own voice.  Logan really is a sweet little child and smiles so much of the time, but when he is unhappy he lets you know in no uncertain terms.  His biggest dislike in life is the dreaded car seat.  I know that it makes him really hot but he only lasts about 2 hours in the car before he has had enough.  Well unless he is asleep with the air conditioning on full blast and then it is quite comfortable really.

Our life is pretty simple with daddy being gone.  We try to walk the doggy every day on the trails around the houses.  This usually gets 1 nap in for Logan.  He prefers to be in the BOB stroller so he can sleep better but then this means brother is up on mom's back in the baby backpack and her back gets tired.  Then we usually go to the pool at some point to cool off.  Right after the walk is a great time.  Running over to John's house for some conversation and playtime is one of our highlights  of the day.  Then it is time for dinner and bed.  There is not much time for anything else (like doing the blog!) but the boys and I have fun each and every day.

First Foods

Logan, the chunk, is on to eating solid foods since he has turned 6 months old this month.  I wonder what this will do to his weight? Of course being Logan, he polished off the entire container in his first sitting.  Keagan on the other hand would slowly graze through the container through out the day.  But not my little bear.  He just eats like he will be hibernating this winter.  I guess we are moving to Minnesota where it is considerably colder in the winter but really ?!?  

Logan's favorite flavors are anything orange.  So carrot, peaches and sweet potato are his favorite.  Then comes anything we mix with it to make it orange in color by adding some carrot or sweet potato.  Pear and apple mix really well. The peas are the least favorite as we can't seem to get rid of the green color.

See you soon Daddy

Jeff left right before Father's Day for his new job in Minnesota.  We planned on getting the house on the market soon, after all the housing market is moving fast and we would like to think our house will sell quickly.  Mom's plan is to spend the rest of the summer in Colorado where it is wonderful.  This summer has had nice temps, great friends and riding trails for mom.  With daddy leaving it finally has become a reality that we are leaving this nice place. We will miss it so much.

Pool time in June

The boys really enjoy a swim in the pool. It is so convenient for the pool to be a 30 second drive from our house and they keep it at 82 degrees. One day this summer Keagan got to be in the pool for 2 hours and he was still bummed when we said it was time to go home.  We think Logan likes it just to spend some time splashing in the water.  The boys play "ball" and throw it back and forth getting each other soaked.

Summer Fun

Although the vacation to Western Colorado and Southern Utah were a lot of fun, we can manage to have fun here at home too.  Mostly this involves being outdoors.  For Keagan this means riding things....

....the mower                                                             ...the seahorse (don't ask why that is it's name)

                                                 ....or the poor dog when he can't find his pony

Logan is getting more control of himself with sitting but always enjoys the Saucer every chance he gets.

My 2 happy boys this summer!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

On to Colorado National Monument and Arches...

Once the conference was completely over we headed over to Utah to see Arches National Park as we had never visited this site before.  On the way we stopped by the Colorado National Monument which was a very  beautiful site to see as well.  The boys slept while we did the auto tour of the Monument so unfortunately this made for a grumpy Logan for the last 90 minutes of the ride into Utah.  It is surprising how much Logan gets to his limit of being in the car and then makes it miserable for the rest of us!
Mom at CO National Monument
When we arrived it was starting to cool down and so we hiked up to watch the Delicate Arch at sunset.  It was a beautiful to watch the sunset in the desert like area and a site to remember.  

The next day we tried to get up early but somehow managed to take forever getting out of the hotel room.  It was already 90 and was to reach 104 while we hiked up to the Delicate Arch by 9 in the morning. It did take about 3 hours and was extremely hot but we all managed with lots of water.  Mom with Logan in the backpack.  Keagan riding on dad's shoulders.  It was crazy and let me tell you it would be a strenuous hike without a kid on your back!  One of those things I think we will always remember:)

Luckily the big hike took a lot out of the boys and so they mostly slept on the way home.  When they finally did wake up 4 hours later we stopped by the nearest exit and we found the neatest park.  We played for an hour, ate dinner and the boys were pooped out again.  We finally figured out how to travel with Logan.  Just exhaust him when he is up and then he will sleep.  Unfortunately this exhausts mom and dad too and makes for really looooong days!
We made it to the we look a little tired?!?