Sunday, February 3, 2013

Oh the horses...

Let me tell you about the barn....

Although the girls - Regen, Daphne and Anne have been a lot of work on our 5 acres they provide us with lots of fun.  ( I am not sure Jeff agrees when it is 0 degrees and he feeds them in the morning)  Keagan loves to help with barn chores.  He has graduated from pointing to the poop piles to grabbing a pitchfork and helping to clean the stalls.  When it is nice like it was today (Super Bowl Sunday) he helps me hunt the piles out in the pasture for clean up.  For some strange reason he likes to sit on the piles...we figure he is just being a boy and loves to get dirty.  Sometimes we even ride the horse or the ponies.  Today Keagan got out his pony for the first time this year and got to ride in mom's western saddle.  He was grinning from ear to ear and was hanging on to the horn so tight.  Of course we hope that Logan will like the horses as well.  Grandma Diane made Logan his very own baby quilt with a little Baby Cowboy theme.  It is absolutely adorable.  Let's just hope he takes the hint :)

Logan is smiling on his Cowboy Quilt
Keagan and his Anne Pony

Hannah helping get ready for the big ride

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