Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Time flies...

I love these jeans!
Well time flies in so many ways.  Logan is already 2 months old - well actually he is almost 2 1/2 months old now that I am finally getting this written.  It is amazing that he has been in our lives for over 2 months already.  But since turning 2 months old we have missed one doctors appointment (just could not get out the door as they both took turns screaming and fussing).  Got ready 3 hours early for the next doctor's appointment 2 days later. Keagan got really sick for the first time ever.  I did not know that much diarrhea and vomit could come out of a 21 month old kid for 24 hours. And to top it all off we have had 2 blizzards.

My little man is truly not so little any more.  He weighed 13 lbs and 4.2 oz on Feb 20th.  That is the 90% for weight and measured 23.25 inches which is 65% for height.  That is very impressive since he was born at 25% for weight and 50% for height. He is smiling and cooing up a storm.  I hate to say it but I think his favorite person is his brother although I feel I am a close second.  He has head control very well under control and tries to stand when you put his feet down.  Even Dr. Avner, his pediatrician, was very impressed with his strength and his smile.  I wonder what another 2 months will bring...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

Coloring himself is a fun past time too!

Truly it is bad weather out here today.  It could be worse but there is a blizzard blowing outside our cozy home today.  So it is a great day to get projects done inside the house.  Keagan and I have been busy cleaning up all of his books.  He loves to color everything.  And he loves to read books. So combine the two things - coloring on his books and you have one happy little Keagan.  We are also taping many pages back together so the book can keep giving us intact story lines for a little longer.  There are some that are so well used that Logan will never get the chance to read that exact same book but as long as the books are loved I could care less.  After all he is a little boy - what do we expect.  I am sure given the chance Logan will do the same thing :)

Did I toot?

Speaking of being a little boy Keagan thinks it is so funny when anyone farts or burps - including himself.  Logan being a baby does plenty of this and Keagan gets a laugh every time.  But the other day Mom was the one that got the last laugh.  We were in the car after Logan had a melt down at the grocery store.  We went to a secluded part of the parking lot so I could nurse Logan.  Keagan was sitting up front with me since the car was turned off.  All of the sudden I heard one of the boys 'toot.'  Keagan laughed and I asked him if it was him or his brother.  He turned to me with a serious face and then signed brother.  I laughed so hard.  Poor Logan just got thrown under the bus at 2 months of age.  I wonder when Keagan will realize that he can blame everything on his brother!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



"I get grouchy when no one from WI is around to hug me"
Although Valentines day was last week, I am still feeling the love from my boys.  Whether it is cuddling in the morning together all in the bed or all the kisses Keagan gives me on a daily basis.  Logan seems to really recognized each one of us and gives us all our own smile.  The best one is saved for his brother when Keagan comes to play with him.  I am so glad we have such a happy family.  

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Year of the Snake ?!? .

What are you doing Keagan?

I am not sure where the time goes.  I keep thinking I will have time to do this more than once a week but at least I am trying to keep on top of this blog.  Last weekend was the Chinese New Year and we brought in the Year of the Snake.  ( Let Jeff tell you how happy I was to sneak by with a Rabbit (2011) and Dragon (2012) baby.  I hate snakes!)  But we are renaming this year the Year of the Wiggle Worm.  Snake...Worm what is the difference :)  Keagan certainly seems to agree with the Wiggle Worm theory as you can see by these photos on the Chinese New Year.  

Are you sure it is not the Year of the Horse?
We celebrated the new year by going to the Super Star Restaurant in Denver for dim sum.  We got there just in time to see the dragons dancing and lighting of the firecrackers to help keep the evil spirits away.  Keagan attempted to use his chop sticks but they were nice and brought him a fork.  Overall we had a great time bringing in the year of the Snake.  We hope it will be a great year!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Sweet Babies

My favorite activity - lounging with my boys
My boys brighten each day for me.  I am so lucky to have 2 wonderful little men in my life.  Logan makes me smile with all his snuggles and kisses.  He is such a wonderful baby - although he is not a huge fan of the camera.  So often times he is crying in his pictures.  Keagan keeps me on my toes and keeps me laughing all of the time.  He is such a goof ball and just loves to laugh.  I don't remember a day that has gone by in the last year in which he didn't have a good belly laugh at least once a day and often time is much more often.

Crazy hairdos make me laugh - mine and logan's

Trying on mommy's glasses to make everyone laugh

Today was a day for a good laugh - Keagan made a pee-pee in the potty for the first time.  We are so proud of him.  Of course he had 3 more accidents and seems to get so upset when he has accidents.  We just have not figured out how to get him on the potty each time...only time will tell

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Oh the horses...

Let me tell you about the barn....

Although the girls - Regen, Daphne and Anne have been a lot of work on our 5 acres they provide us with lots of fun.  ( I am not sure Jeff agrees when it is 0 degrees and he feeds them in the morning)  Keagan loves to help with barn chores.  He has graduated from pointing to the poop piles to grabbing a pitchfork and helping to clean the stalls.  When it is nice like it was today (Super Bowl Sunday) he helps me hunt the piles out in the pasture for clean up.  For some strange reason he likes to sit on the piles...we figure he is just being a boy and loves to get dirty.  Sometimes we even ride the horse or the ponies.  Today Keagan got out his pony for the first time this year and got to ride in mom's western saddle.  He was grinning from ear to ear and was hanging on to the horn so tight.  Of course we hope that Logan will like the horses as well.  Grandma Diane made Logan his very own baby quilt with a little Baby Cowboy theme.  It is absolutely adorable.  Let's just hope he takes the hint :)

Logan is smiling on his Cowboy Quilt
Keagan and his Anne Pony

Hannah helping get ready for the big ride