Saturday, January 19, 2013

Oh what a month!

It has been an amazing ride to have our second child.  It is so much easier than I ever thought it would be...and it is so much harder than I ever thought it would be.  I think the fastest I have gotten out the door with both kids is 1 hour.  The longest (so far) is 3 hours but I guess I have given up all together when it just seems like we really don't need to get that syrup - we will just try again tomorrow.
The boys talking together

The most surprising thing is how easily Logan has fit into the family.  Keagan just loves him and is just waiting for the day he can actually play with his brother.  Now of course there is a little bit of jealousy that Logan gets held a lot...but over all Keagan has made bringing Logan into the family a breeze.  I try to make sure Keagan gets his one on one time - which is not too hard as Logan sleeps a lot.  And of course we try to visit John - Keagan's best friend most days.  This is Keagan's special time and one of the only places I feel just a little bit of annoyance from Keagan when John holds Logan.  

Diaper changing is one of the more challenging activities that I thought would be simple.  Keagan has been applying for a spot on the Olympic team for Gymnastics While Getting Your Diaper Changed for quite some time.  But having another body in the room just makes it that much more challenging.  If we lay Logan down then Keagan tries to leap over his brother with great flair..while mom is thinking please don't jump on your brother.  If Logan is in the bassinet, Keagan uses it as the parallel bars to try some new moves his mom a heart attack thinking Keagan is going to crash and tip the bassinet over at the same time.  If Logan is in the other room and starts to make noise Keagan must sprint (and I do mean sprint) to the other room with a naked butt make sure his brother is ok which is then followed by a floor routine while evading mommy's grasping arms.  So the diaper changing makes things interesting to say the least.
I guess Mom will have to become more of a sports fan with 3 boys in the house...
for right now I will just dress everyone up.  To bad the Broncos lost

I know that I got a lot of looks and comments when I told people I chose to have 2 kids less than 2 years apart but although it is challenging, we are hanging in there. It is hard - don't get me wrong - but it feels like the right time in this family to me.  Every day is filled with so much laughter and not every day brings tears.  We are trying to enjoy every minute - that is when we are coherent enough to think about those things - otherwise we just let things slide and hang on for the ride.

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