Friday, January 11, 2013

I love my brother!

 I was concerned that Keagan would be jealous of his little brother once he entered our family.  I could not be more wrong.  Keagan just has been excited about seeing babies all through my pregnancy and was so excited to meet little Logan.  When he first met him he signed baby right away and pointed at little Logan.   From their very first encounter Keagan has wanted to touch his little brother and give him lots of kisses.  I was shocked to discover how much Keagan has welcomed Logan into the family.  Now - do we have some instances where they both start crying and usually I have to go to Logan first and Keagan doesn't always understand...but for the most part our biggest challenge was keeping Keagan's snotty nose out of Logan's face trying to keep Logan from getting sick.  That is the best problem I could ask for.  I am so glad that I have 2 little boys :)

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