Sunday, January 20, 2013

Little Logan No Longer ?!?

Newborn Logan

Our little Logan seems to be growing by leaps and bounds.  He is now 5 weeks old and just feels like a chunk.  He started out life at 6 lbs 6 oz then dropped in the hospital to 6 lbs 1 oz then down to 5 lbs 15 oz.  He made an amazing recovery to 6lbs 2 oz before we left the hospital and he has not looked back.  On our 1 day recheck he was 6 lbs 5 oz and by our 2 week recheck he was 7 lbs 1 oz ( we did have many rechecks while getting his bilirubin levels checked 6 lbs 8 oz...12oz) and last week on his 1 month birthday he was tipping the scales just over 9 lbs.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 5: Dec 21st

Day 10:  December 26th
Day 13: December 29th

Day 19:  Jan 4th

Day 18: Jan 3rd

Jan 12th: 4 weeks old
Jan 12th

Smiling at 4 weeks!

Overall nursing is going very well as we can see from his 3 lb progress over the last month but this kid has a gi system that is always rumbling.  This kid can FART with the best of them!  We actually call them man farts they are so loud.  We are starting to get control of the gi system by eliminating dairy from mom's diet and this seems to help make him more comfortable.  We did this for Keagan and it seemed to help a lot so why not for this one. Besides it is good self control practice for mom passing up all that cheesy goodness.  I only gained 15 lbs with Logan and fit back into my mom jeans already ( I actually miss the expandable waists on those pregnancy pants) but still feel like I have a spare tire around my midsection.  So I guess it is good for both of us.  Here is to 2013 - another year without cheese and ice cream!

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