Sunday, January 5, 2014

OK...Let's try again.

So finishing up the summer blog while trying to move in September was a little ambitious.  Moving was such a huge disruption to our life, I did not want to start trying to update this until I felt I could do a good job and keep up with it again. So here goes again now that we are mostly settled into our house in Minnesota.  There are still boxes that should be unpacked out in the garage but with the high tomorrow of -25 F we are not going outside unless we have to.

Moving proved to be a monumental task with not all of our belonging fitting into 1 moving truck.  Poor Jeff had to fly back to CO after we signed the papers on our house in MN and make a second trip in less than 48 hours.  Luckily we had family to help us unload the trucks here in MN to make it all possible.  It was beautiful weather for a few weeks then the cold set in and honestly we are wondering if we moved to Antartica.  It has been an extremely cold winter so far and they boys and I have been a little squirrely being locked in the house so much.  We really do like the area and love our house, but would love to bring the Colorado weather with us.  We miss the milder winter and being outside more often! So we have been finding things to do indoors and imagine our delight when  we realized MN has already figured out there needs to be lots of things for the kiddos to do to stay out of the frightful cold.

But before we talk about the cold winter let us revisit the beautiful summer we had in Colorado.  It was a wonderful summer with gorgeous temperatures for the most part.  We can't wait to go back this summer and visit this beautiful place again.

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