Sunday, January 19, 2014

Can't keep them apart

Keagan loves being with his little brother, but Logan needs his sleep.  We have the swing for little Logan to sleep in the playroom which has a gate to keep the kids in...or out.  Logan-berry sleeps so peacefully if it is quiet, which means that Keagan is outside playing.  When Keagan comes inside he always wants to check and see if his brother is awake.  The closed gate provided a safe spot for Logan until Keagan put his mind to work.  
 Keagan pulled one of the kitchen chairs over to the gate and hopped into the play room to give Logi a kiss.  But then there was the problem of getting out.  So he pulled one of his little chairs over and now he can hop in and out to his content.  So much for Logan's peaceful naps!

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