Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fun at John's house

Our day is not complete without a trip over to John's house.  We are never sure what we will do at his house but on the hot days the swamp cooler is nice to enjoy while Logan jumps in the jumperoo.  Logan could care less about our jumperoo but John's is just the best.  He loves bouncing in the jumperoo everyday.  Of course Keagan loved it too but the funny thing is that the best part of this toy is the tag on the monster.  Both boys loved to play with that tag every time they sat in it!

May 30th
Both boys love to enjoy Christie's company as well.  Of course being a Golden Retriever she is a mellow dog but there is a special place in her heart for the babies.  My kids both have stuck fingers up her nose, tried to pull her ears off her head, and stood up on her back.  She just gets a big smile on her face and asks for more.  Hannah loves getting a break from the kids.  She tolerates the boys but Christie truly loves them.

Some days we even make a mess over at John's house.  Keagan loves to do finger painting and one day he decided to take the paint over to John's house in his tricycle.  We had a great time getting all messy. Even Logan in the jumperoo managed to get paint on his face!  

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