Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Logan is 5 months old

Time goes by so quickly.  I can remember rushing to the hospital this winter to give birth to a little 6 lb 6 oz little boy and now he is over 15 pounds.  The little stinker is only nursing and won't even take a bottle even when mom is gone on Saturday mornings at Dr. Grimes clinic in Elizabeth.  We are enjoying the nice summer weather and of course being outside is our favorite activity.  He is sitting up well and has graduated to the baby backpack.  This makes walking fun for mom as one kid goes up in the backpack and one is in the stroller.

When we are not outside both boys enjoy the jumperoo.  I think Keagan still loves it more.  Logan will go in it but he still prefers the Saucer. Keagan's eyes got huge when we got this out for his brother and of course jumped right in!

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