Ha Ha! This is sort of the family joke here in the Yu household. Dad is Dr. Yu. Mom was Dr. Yu for a year but decided that was too many Dr. Yu's in the house so she is Dr. Hanson-Yu. Keagan was a little Dr. Yu at 2 months of age and so we decided to make Logan little Dr. Yu #4 at 4 months of age! Our friend Rona supplied us with the appropriate Doctor gear and the boys sure look cute!
To be honest we thought about actually having a D.R. Yu in the family. When we were choosing Logan's name we originally liked Devin. His name was going to be Devin Roger (DR) Yu - Ha Ha! But Logan did not like the name. People would always ask me how I knew that he did not like it and all I can tell you is that he did not like it, so the name search continued. Logan and Keagan are a little too similiar for my taste but you can't argue with your unborn son. So now instead of DR Yu we have LRY for initials (Dad rolls his eyes but Mom calls him Larry when she sees that! It is better than Keagan's initials KDY -which mom pronouces Katie:)
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