Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How many things can you fit into 1 day ?!?

Mother's Day with the boys :)
Keagan's birthday was also on Mother's Day this year and it was on a Sunday.  So we decided to have his party on his actual birthday May 12th as it was a weekend day.  Since Grandma and Grandpa Hanson were also in town we decided to have Logan baptized.  It was a very full day but one full of lots of fun and excitement.

 The 3-n-1 day started the night before.  Since we had to go to the early service of church the house was ready for the party the night before.  This was actually nice to wake up and just be ready for the party later on that day.  Since Brynn and the boys are notoriously late for things we got to church a 1/2 an hour early.  Logan just barely fit into the same outfit that Keagan wore but with the help of a button extender he looked just as cute.

The boy's best friend John was there to help celebrate the day again and the service was just as touching as last year at Joy Lutheran Church in Parker, CO.  Everything went about the same.  Logan only fussed for being held over the water not the annointing. Logan fell asleep before the sermon was over...just like his brother. It was a great day to fit all 3 things together.

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