Saturday, May 18, 2013

4 months old Little Logan

Logan keeps growing by leaps and bounds.  He is at 90% for height and weight: 16 lbs 12 oz and 24.25 inches in length.  He faired his 4 month shots with only a fuss in at the doctor's office and a prolonged nap at home.  Now if only we could get him to sleep longer at night.... I guess Logan listened to Dr. Avner as he started sleeping longer at night (4 hours is a treat) even if it is in the swing:)
Logan always seems to have a smile on his face!

Yummy...tasty fingers!

 Logan does not practice tummy time all that often as this seems to invite his older brother to pounce on him. He is able to hold his head up quite well when we do practice. It is funny how you don't worry as much with the second one.  I know that Logan will soon be rolling and crawling around.  It does not matter when he gets there - it will be soon enough.  Is is bad to want your baby to stay a baby for just a little while longer ?!?

A ladies man just like his brother! 

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