Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hello VA Beach

Keagan signing "plane"

Playground at the ocean!

We took a quick trip to VA beach to visit friends the weekend before Keagan's 2nd birthday.  We have been meaning to make it over there since he was born and since we have to start paying for a seat when he turns 2 we decided it was time to go!  This was the longest flight we have done besides going to Hawaii and it felt like the longest ride.  We even had a layover in Atlanta on the way out and thank goodness.  Keagan is a good frequent flier but Logan had other ideas.  About half way there and he got sick and tired of sitting in the same seat.  At one point the flight attendant took Logan and walked him up and down the aisle.  As long as he was not sitting still he was happy.  Mom is not looking forward to any more extended travel plans.  Having 2 children certainly changes travel plans!
Konur and Keagan playing soccer

Keagan and Isabella

Daddy and his boys
Once we were in VA Beach we had a great time.  It was wonderful visiting friends and the kids had a wonderful time.  Konur (7 yrs old)  taught Keagan how to kick the soccer ball around, while Bella helped show Keagan how to put jig saw puzzles together.  Logan pretty much smiled at everyone while  working on pooping (travel constipation is not so much fun).  Both boys went to the beach but it was cold and windy so we did not stay long.  Picking ripe strawberries in the field was a lot more fun.  Then eating our work was so yummy.  This trip was long over due and Jeff can't wait to to go back and take the boys fishing!

Best Buddies Tyler and Jeff

All 4 kids: Keagan, Logan, Konur and Isabella

Picking those strawberries was so much fun

Of course what is a trip to VA beach with out going to the beach.  We forget here in 10% humidity how much it changes the temperature.  It was in the 50-60's but man was it cold.  We only took Logan out for a few minutes but Keagan braved the weather to play on the playground on the beach. His teeth may have been chattering but he was going to have fun!

Let me get my teeth to stop chattering for this picture by the ocean

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