Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fun in the Snow

We are finally getting some snow here in Colorado!  This provides plenty of entertainment for the whole family.  Keagan got a book for Christmas called How to Build a Snowman and we read it religiously.  Well we finally got our chance to go out and make one in the back yard.  It only lasted a day before the next blizzard took it out but it was fun to make once Keagan got the hang of walking in the snow.  It was not so much fun at first but he got the hang of it after a while.

Then while the snowman was melting later that same day, Keagan got to ride his pony Daphne in the snow. We had to avoid the snow drifts still present so mom could keep up with Daphne.

The next day most of the snow was gone but only to be replaced by a blizzard.  This time we got dumped on and had snow drifts to the top of Keagan's head in the back yard. Good thing Keagan had gotten used to walking on the snow and had a fun afternoon with his dog Hannah exploring the back yard with all of the new snow.  

So what does Logan do while we play outside.  Stay inside where it is warm and sleep.  When he does wake up he is full of smiles and is getting so good at holding his head up.  Half of the time I call him the 'rearing baby' as he is trying to stand and push off.  So we got out the exersaucer and he gets to stand and kick to his heart's content.  Of course big brother is there to help him play with all the toys.

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