Saturday, March 30, 2013

Crazy Egg Hunt

Happy Easter

Mom and the boys at the Easter Egg Hunt

We have had a great Easter week with wonderful temps in the 60s so we have been spending lots of time outside.  This morning we got up and went to the Easter Egg Hunt in Parker.  It was CRAZY.  There were so many people there.  And it wasn't really a hunt as the roped off area was just full of eggs.  It was like the ground was carpeted with eggs.  The only rule was that parents could not help kids put the eggs in their baskets, the kids had to pick them up.  They announced 2 and under first and gave the kids about 60 seconds before every one else was allowed into the area.  Keagan managed to get 3 eggs.  But that was fine.  He had fun cleaning up the left over eggs the other kids discarded after getting the candy out.  In some cases the kids left behind the "prize certificate" and Keagan picked up the "trash" and put it in his basket.  Keagan loves his candy so it was a good thing we only got 3 eggs with candy.  The prize certificates were used to get some bubbles which are always fun and an Easter Monkey (appropriate since Keagan is a monkey).
Getting ready for the hunt.  There were so many people there!

Holding mom's hand so he didn't get lost

At least I could not lose Logan..or so I thought

Logan had a good time snuggling in the baby bjorn.  He is getting used to being outside in the bright sunlight.  Unfortunately the baby bjorn snaps popped open when I was reaching over to help Keagan put something into his basket after it was all done and out he plopped onto the ground.  He was not happy but seems to be doing fine!  Good thing babies bounce.

Look at those eggs Keagan!

The easter prizes are amazing.  His candy and Easter Monkey were well worth the hordes of people there.  Keagan also waited in line to get a balloon bunny.  He had so much fun hopping that bunny around for about 3 minutes before it popped.  At least I managed to get pictures before it died.  The boys also got easter gifts from grandma and grandpa Hanson.  Little beanie babies in their own little bags.  Keagan had so much fun unwrapping the box, the tissue paper, and then the bag to get to the animals.  Maybe Logan will get to open his own presents next year!

Easter Monkey

His Bunny Balloon that lasted about 3 minutes in Keagan's hands. 

What is inside the bag?  

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