Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3 months of being brothers

"Logi-Bear"  That is his nickname and this picture sums it up :)

Keagan and Logan have had 3 months to bond and it seems they are on track to be great friends.  The only thing they seem to disagree about is how much "John" time each one gets.  Keagan immediately runs to John's lap when he holds Logan and suddenly John has a lapful of little boys.  But when we are at home they don't even seem to disagree about who gets mom time.  Now of course Keagan wants to be held if Logan is crying but we all just snuggle down together on the couch or bed.  If Logan is crying Keagan helps me console him. Keagan also loves to pat his brother's chubby cheeks and hold his hand every chance he gets.  I am sure Keagan will be excited when Logan can make it out to the barn to help with chores but that is a mommy and Keagan job right now.  Logan helps walk the dog with us by sleeping in the baby bjorn while mom pushes Keagan in the stroller on the trails.  Our life is not super exciting but it is so much fun to watch the boys grow up.

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