I know this is becoming old...but I can't believe it has been 12 weeks since the birth of little Logan. He is getting to be such a ham. He loves to smile at his family members but if strangers are nice - like saying what a cute baby he is - he will smile at them as well. Now if mommy makes funny faces at him, a laugh is almost sure to ensue. And speaking of hams...Logan was weighed today at a little over 15 pounds. Keagan was over 26. No wonder why my back hurts every day :) He is a 'chunk-er-ella' (similar to Cinderella) and I love each and every fat roll present.
Logan is such a good natured baby but is not afraid to tell me when I am doing something wrong. He does not always want to be held and fusses until I put him down. He just does not want to see my shoulder any more. He wants to see the world. Of course I just was doing what worked for Keagan and being held was the answer to almost everything. Imagine that - the boys are different. Today I faced Logan out in the baby bjorn for the first time. I think he was a little overwhelmed at the world. Of course we were at a garden center with lots of beautiful colors. What a great introduction to seeing the world!

The other big difference between the boys is pretty obvious. Hair...or the lack there of on little Logan. People used to ask me did Keagan's newborn hair fall out? and I would just look at them like they were crazy. Keagan had plenty of hair when he was born and kept it all. Well, I learned why people asked that question. Logan lost most of his hair. I personally think we should just shave the rest of it off - it is not like there is that much there. The top is very thin and there is a stripe around the back from him looking around. Poor little guy - but it will grow in due time.

It is so hard letting go this time around since I know it will be my last. I had to put the littlest clothes away yesterday and I did not think it would be so hard. I am just getting the hang of raising kids and I am stopping while I am ahead. Like I tell Keagan, I have an arm for each boy. There is always room for each kid under a wing....if I had any more kids Jeff and I would be outnumbered. They would rule the house...wait - they already do:)