Monday, March 3, 2014


Well it should have been no surprise that Logan decided to grab on to his toy and pull himself up, but still it came as a shock one night.  He does not have much interest in grabbing our fingers and walking around like Keagan did, but he does like to try and get around with crawling (well it is sort of a crawl).  Logan's crawl is one of my favorite things to watch.  He has a gimpy leg that he just drags along.  It changes from left to right but there always seems to be a leg just hanging there getting drug along for the ride.  

I was not sure Logan would be as interested in walking as he can get himself around slowly, but obviously watching his brother run around is a good incentive for Logan.  So on July 23rd he just grabbed his play gym and just hoisted himself up to get a better look at the top of the toy and push some buttons.  He just looked at me like, well it is time for me to do this mom.  Watch out, I will be running soon :)
So happy to have mastered standing,  he will sit and enjoy the moment!

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