Monday, March 3, 2014

Headed back home to Colorado

Although it was fun visiting family and friends, we were not very successful finding a new house in MN.  The market is moving so fast we need to decide quickly and we just did not find anything that we could not live without.  Coupled with a poor relator does not help matters.  So we headed back to Colorado to reevaluate life!

Dad dropped us off at the airport while he parked the car and took the shuttle.  To kill the time we walked up and down the moving walkways to ride the train, much to Keagan's delight.  We did find that Minnesota has an amazing playground at the airport for the little ones and so the flight back went so easily as we had lots to do before we got on the plane.  To top it all off the kids were tired from all that playing and fell asleep quickly for the entire flight! Success!!!

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