Sunday, September 1, 2013

Where to start...

I now realize that when summer is here life gets to be too much fun outside and this blog just gets ignored.  So I am going to try to update our summer 2013.  We have had so much fun enjoying the nice Colorado weather this summer.  But it has been a bit hectic as we have sold our house and are moving to Minnesota September 24th.  Jeff got a job in the Minneapolis area and started working June 17th so he has been commuting back and forth all summer.  We were lucky that he would work for 2 weeks then have 10-14 days off in a row.  We took full advantage of having some time off together as I am staying at home with the boys.  Since we were leaving Colorado we decided to explore the state before we left.  Our trips into the mountains only made us realize even more how much we will miss Colorado.  It is very beautiful here and we are sad to leave but life marches on and we must go with it!

Keagan loves the summertime.  He spends every minute he can outside or at the pool.  He loves to go swimming and we are so lucky to have a nice community pool 30 seconds away from our house.  We can go every day and we don't have to take care of it or worry about the boys falling into a pool in our own backyard.  Having it heated to 85 degrees is not bad either.  When Keagan is not swimming he is usually playing in the dirt, finding planes in the sky, walking the trails with mom and Hannah, riding (or feeding) his pony Anne, playing over at John's house or picking the tomatoes in the Earth Boxes.  Since his birthday his vocabulary has expanded greatly as the summer has gone on.  At times it is difficult to tell what he is saying but he loves to talk now and it is fun hearing his commentary on life.

May 10th - We call this his Jedi pose

Our Logan-Berry is doing well too.  He has grown so fast this summer. He started sitting up on his own in June and began crawling in August.  He is pulling himself up on everything he can get his hands on now and even lets go to balance on his own 2 feet.  I am sure he will be walking before the year ends.  He got his first tooth right after his 8 month birthday and that has been a long slow process.  Of course introducing solid foods after 6 months has helped his little gums feel better.  He really liked baby food until I gave him his first finger food.  Now if he can't pick it up he does not really want to eat it.  It has been so fun having 2 little boys in the family.  Life is a little more challenging having 2 kids under the age of two but other than the lack of sleep it has been so much fun!

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