Monday, April 29, 2013

Fun trip to the Midwest

We have been running around for the last few weeks and just got back a little while ago from a trip to MN/WI to visit family.  Keagan had a great time with his family in Minneapolis so by the time we made it back to WI to visit great-grandma Charline he was pooped out!  Logan loved all the attention and had many sweet dreams falling asleep in the rocking chair with great-grandma.

Logan and Grandma Diane

Logan and Great-Grandma Charline

The 'cousins' Lilly, Cooper, Logan (friend Kaelyn) and Keaga n

We love Great-Grandma THIS MUCH!

Uncle Nate, Aunt Greta, Matilda and newest Beatrice

Keagan and Matilda playing farm animals
Uncle Nate with the kids

To start out the vacation I was amazed by both of my little men on the airplane ride. Keagan had his own seat as daddy could not make it with us and this was Logan's first plane ride.  They both did great and slept almost the whole way there.  This may be due to the fact that Keagan was signing plane for 2 hours straight as they were outside every window we could find in the airport.  He still does not talk much but he has learned sign language very well and gets his point across!  On the way back they both were awake for most of the ride but were very well behaved.  I am so proud of their excellent behavior!

Of course besides playing with his new buddies Keagan loves to be outside.  Unfortunately the weather  did not work with us but the 1 day it was nice out we went to the park, went for a walk in the pasture and rode mommy's horse Moon.  What a trip!

Playing piano with Aunt Donna
Keagan with his reading buddy while it rained and snowed!

Monday, April 8, 2013

The many hats we wear...

I know as a stay at home mom I wear many hats to keep everything running smoothly.  The boys on the other hand wear many hats because they want to.  Keagan's latest "hat" is the NO hat.  We have so much fun asking him questions when the answer to everything is no.  Do you love your mommy?!?  Do you love your daddy?  He puts a big smile on his face and says NO!  Occasionally we will trip him up with a question like do you want us to get you another i-pad?  He will start to say no then think about it and nod his yes :)  What a silly little monkey!

Do you want my i-pad?!?
Logan literally wears many hats.  His bunny hat, his mongolian hat (that is the name of the infamous winter hats here in the Yu household), a baseball hat.  You name it we can stick it on his head.  He is such an easy going baby.  Keagan hated hats from the moment he could swipe them off his head.  He still has no use for anything near his head except his winter hat. He seems to understand that this hat actually has a purpose.

I love my hats even when they fall into my eyes

That is better
Bunny Logan