Saturday, April 12, 2014

Parker Days

We had a wonderful time in Parker at the Art Days this summer.  Grandma and John went with us.  Keagan had so much fun doing art projects.  He is becoming quite the artist.  We think Logan is his muse.

 But it was not only fun to go to the  event, it was fun to get there!  We got to go thru the tunnel under Parker Rd and go by the mural.  Then we had to make a stop at the playground.

Grandma Diane's Visit

Grandma came out to Colorado to lend a helping hand with the upcoming move.  Mostly it was just to give mom a break so she could get ready to start packing.  We had a great time and mostly just enjoyed the nice Colorado weather this summer.

The first thing on Keagan's list was swimming.  I think we made it every day but one to the pool and he just swam and swam.  Grandma and Keagan stayed in the pool for 2 hours one day. Logan was just happy someone else was there to play with him when he had enough of the water.

 Next on our list was trains.  Grandma was lucky and got to go to the Royal Gorge with John and all of us.  We also stopped by the train museum to ride the trains.  There was a special event on Saturday and the train was going on Friday so we ran up to Golden to take a ride on the steam train.  It is so much easier have another set of hands!

 Now with all the summer heat, we decided Keagan's shaggy hair-do had to go.  This is always a horrible time for mom as she knows how much Keagan hates it.  We have to tell the lady what we want before Keagan sits in the chair.  He just starts crying and carrying on.  Someday he will grow out of it...someday!
 One of the other things that we did this week was head indoors to Lil Monkey Bizzness in Parker. It was just so hot the kids were cranky and no one wanted to be outside.  It is great to have a place to go inside to play.  The boys had fun and took naps so we were all happy!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Oh what fun it is to ride...

...on a train to Royal Gorge!  In our touring of Colorado via train Grandpa John decided he would like to see the Royal Gorge with us.  We got seats in the Vista Dome so we had a fantastic view of the gorge in air conditioning and out of the brief rain shower in the afternoon.  Logan fell asleep on the way back so mom was very happy to have a place to sit down comfortably and watch the beautiful landscape.  

The Royal Gorge is a very special place to mom and dad as they went white water rafting here on the Arkansas River in 2006 for their second wedding anniversary.  The water was running really fast and the rapids were a Class 4-5!  It was so scary but so exhilarating!  We have been back a few other times and never has the water been running that fast (or it was running faster and the rapids were closed). 

Keagan really enjoyed the train ride with Grandpa John, Grandma Diane and Choo-Choo Jen (John's daughter).  We were really lucky there was an extra bench open across from our table so we all got to spread out and enjoy the views.  

 When we got closer to the bridge Keagan would keep pointing to it and was amazed how high up the bridge was over the top of us.  For many months after this trip he would call this trip"high choo-choo."


One of the things Keagan takes seriously is his new gardening skills.  Since it is so dry here we need to water our plants almost daily.  Thank goodness our well did not run out of water this summer like last summer when we were on vacation.  The earth boxes that both John and I have are a source of eternal fun for Keagan.  Ours does not have many tomatoes so he waters the plants almost every day. He knows we have to keep filling the plants up until they "pee" water.  This means it is full.  At John's house Keagan inspects the tomato plants and then picks small little sweet grape tomatoes almost every day.  Keagan does not like tomatoes so he is always trying to find someone to feed them to.

August 2013: Keagan and Max

This is taking so much longer than I thought it would.  Someday I will get caught up to the present.  I finally got done with August-December of Logan's 1st year photo books.  I still only have the 1st 6 weeks of video completed...but first the blog when I can get a chance :)  

We got an offer on our house the first week of August and decided one of the houses we saw on our trip to MN in July could work out.  We all breathed a huge sigh of relief as we were getting tired out of trying to sell our house.  We actually were going to pull the house off the market if it did not sell within 2 weeks of getting our offer and try again in the spring.  Now we can enjoy the rest of the summer and get prepared to move 1,000 miles!

We started the month of August with our good friends Stacey, Max and baby Penny.  Max and Keagan just get along so well it is so easy to get together with them.  We had a playdate, a trip to the train museum as well as McDonalds play land and then a trip to the Wildlife Experience all in the span of 3 days.  The boys both seem to enjoy having a friend to enjoy all the fun activities.  
Wildlife Experience